Thursday, December 1, 2011

Creative Art for Healing

A recent workshop on using creative arts to help children express themselves in therapy was such an eye opener. Having been trained in using the usual talk therapy, this workshop has definitely enlightened me in so many ways. Creative art is such a powerful tool to provide an avenue for children and young people to express their feelings. It gives them a safe space where they have no fear of sharing what is going on in their minds and hearts. It provides an opportunity for expressing feelings associated with trauma, loss, illness, reduced capacity and depressed. Through creative arts, children and young people learn to express and regulate their emotions by identifying how they feel in different situations and learn how best they can cope with those situations. It gives them an opportunity to express their feelings which they may not be able to express using words.

Creative arts allow one to explore their inner feelings without feeling threatened of the consequences that may take place in a typical daily life setting. This exploration provides opportunity to rediscover oneself. The best part is it also allows one to discover hidden talents! I myself felt very relaxed to perform all the activities including making faces and even dancing, which i usually would not do, given that I am rather an introvert.

The spontaneity nature of these activities provides a room for you to bring out the REAL YOU and see for yourself, how you usually react in situations. With this, it gives you a chance to reflect if that is the best way of handling situations. It creates a space to learn new ways to cope, better decision making, better social skill and the list of benefits just goes on.


  1. there's always new ways to handle age-old problems. good to keep an open mind.

    when you say creative arts, is it limited to dance, music and singing or is there more to it than that?

  2. Hi Manu,

    Thank you for the comments. Creative art that is use in therapy goes beyond music, dance and singing. It also includes drawing, play, drama, writing.
